The recent controversy in the recently started IPL and the cricketing world is the clash between Harbhajan and Sreesnath. After the match between Mumbai Indians and Kings XI Punjab, which was on by the latter, the TV screesn captured live pictures of Sreesanth crying.
The commentators describing it as "uncontrollable tears. What's wrong with Sreesanth? Is it the win? It looks like something more than the win."
Later, the private news channels flashed the news saying "Bhajji slapped Sreesanth" Though there were no direct evidence shown by these channels, they repeatedly published the news and increased the tempo and attraction in the incident.
In the post-match interview, Bhajji, very arrogantly replied "I'm here to talk Cricket" You're in the ground to play cricket--which means, bowl, or hit the ball with the bat, or field. You're not in the ground to hit somebody, Mr. BHAJJI!
Later in the interview to private channel, Harbhajan said:
he pushed Sreesanth, but did not slap him.
He is like a brother
They will play together in the future;
He is not sure about the complaint to be launched by Kings XI Punjab
Sreesnath said:
He did not slap me;
He burst hit because he was running fever in the morning, an important match, and the incident in the end, everything triggered his emotions.
Bhajji is like an elder brother and he has the right to do what he did
He need not apologize
No need to file an official complain
They will play together
We have to wait and see what actions will be taken against Bhajji and Sreesanth, if at all action is taken!
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